
Eiffage Construction participates in the eco-rehabilitation of 399 homes in the Fontaine d'Ouche district of Dijon

Eiffage Construction participates in the eco-rehabilitation of 399 homes in the Fontaine d'Ouche district of Dijon

The European Horizon 2020 programme has chosen Dijon metropole as the support city for a positive energy island project aimed at combating global warming. With the "Response" project, Dijon is becoming both a laboratory for experimenting with solutions for building a carbon-neutral metropolis and also a European-scale demonstrator of local energy self-sufficiency. Eiffage Construction, in a consortium with ELITHIS, ART&FACT, GODART+ROUSSEL, ICAR and GEOCONCEPT, is participating in the implementation of solutions for this project, in synergy with Eiffage Energie Systèmes and Proxilor. Work began in July 2022 and our teams have recently rehabilitated the 100th home.

This design-and-build project, entrusted by Grand Dijon Habitat, consists of the renovation of 399 homes in the Fontaine d'Ouche district of Dijon. The Eiffage
Construction workers are currently working on the work in an occupied site (plastering, flexible flooring, tiling and earthenware).

The 15,000 m² of insulation work on the facade began in mid-March and half of the 2,100 windows have already been replaced, greatly improving the comfort of residents.

Thanks to this extensive work, more than 1,200 people will benefit from more comfortable and energy-efficient housing.

This renovation is truly exemplary in terms of sustainable development, notably through the implementation of the following actions:

  • The building will be connected to district heating;
  • The existing wood cladding is reused as well as the 399 landing doors;
  • Pallets are also reused in order to reduce C02 emissions by more than 100t;
  • The heart of the block has been completely redesigned in order to increase the permeable surfaces and recreate fresh spaces accessible to all;
  • Birds and bats have been preserved with the installation of nesting boxes in partnership with the Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux and the DDDIT;
  • The PVC and aluminium joinery is recycled with the company veka;
  • The glazing is recycled with Serfim;
  • The existing glass wool is recycled with isover.

Several certifications have been awarded to this project: environmental with NF HABITAT, performance level with Effilogis, Promotelec for the electrical installations. This rehabilitation will enable the consumption level to be lower than 60kwh/m²/year, thus enabling the building to move from an energy label D to A.

The project also has a strong social dimension: 13,000 hours of work will be carried out by people in integration situations; two jobs have already been taken on. In addition, a major artistic project will be carried out within the block, in collaboration with Zutique production, Le mur, La maison phare, making it possible to put art at the heart of the residents' daily lives.

Architects : Godart+Roussel, Art1Fact